To render Legal Aid Services to the really deserving and needy people and which also includes all type of living being, for the promotion of peace and human understanding.
To render Legal Aid Services to the really deserving and needy people and which also includes all type of living being, for the promotion of peace and human understanding.
To provide the legal aid, conduct and disseminate legal awareness activities/programmes, and conduct research on overall aspects of legal aid services and legal awareness.
To publish books and papers for the spread and advancement of legal aid and legal awareness through education and culture and also promote research in the field of legal services.
(A Movement for Justice through Legal Aid)
Take necessary steps by way of public interest litigation with regard to consumer protection, environmental protection or any other matter of special concern to the weaker sections of the society.
A commitment to promote and organise legal aid camps, especially in rural areas with the dual purpose of educating the weaker sections of the society as to their rights as well as to pursue their legal remedies.
To ensure that the people have a right to have their grievances redressed and a right to pursue their legal remedies, either in court proceedings or other informal proceedings, so as to ensure that their rights are protected.